Ryan Mosher Obituary, Death: Driver faces charges in fatal hit-and-run that killed a 19-year-old Lansing man.

Ryan Mosher Obituary, Death – Police have now identified Ryan Mosher, the young man killed in a hit-and-run incident on Friday night. This tragic accident occurred around 10 p.m. in downtown Owosso, Michigan. Legal action has been taken against the alleged driver, Dolphis Rabidoux III, age 19, who faces two serious charges. Rabidoux is accused of reckless driving resulting in death and fleeing the scene of an accident that caused serious injuries. These charges reflect the gravity of the situation and the legal responsibilities involved in such incidents.
The crash sequence began when Mosher was driving out of a parking lot, attempting to merge into westbound traffic on M-21. At that moment, a Jeep traveling eastbound struck Mosher’s vehicle with significant force. Unfortunately, Mosher was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the collision, which led to his ejection from the vehicle upon impact. Michigan State Police are investigating the case further to ensure clarity on the details and circumstances surrounding this tragic event. The incident underscores the importance of road safety practices, including seatbelt usage and the responsibilities of all drivers to remain at accident scenes until appropriate emergency and law enforcement personnel arrive.