Celing Cruz Ramirez Obitury, Death: Man killed in Graham crash.

Celing Cruz Ramirez Obitury, Death – The Graham Police Department responded to a crash report early Sunday morning, around 7 a.m., on the 400 block of West Interstate Service Road. Upon arrival, officers discovered a purple Scion passenger vehicle that had gone off the road and traveled down an embankment.
The driver of the vehicle was identified as 21-year-old Celing Cruz Ramirez, a resident of Graham. Tragically, Ramirez was pronounced dead at the scene from injuries sustained in the crash. Authorities confirmed that no one else was in the vehicle at the time of the incident.
The cause of the crash is currently under investigation by the Graham Police Department. They are asking anyone with information about the incident to contact the department at 336-570-6711.